Wednesday, April 24, 2024

France: Poursuite de la criminalisation des militants pro-palestiniens


France: Poursuite de la criminalisation des militants pro-palestiniens

Le soutien à la Palestine reste la cible de l’État français. Ces derniers mois, les tentatives de réduire et de priver d’espace démocratique et social les groupes et les collectifs de soutien à la Palestine se sont succédés. L’attaque répressive touche en outre les forces politiques et sociales qui solidarisent avec la Palestine en France. Jean-Paul Delescaut (photo), Secrétaire général de l’Union Départementale CGT du Nord, a été condamné ce jour à une peine d’un an d’emprisonnement avec sursis par le tribunal correctionnel de Lille pour « apologie du terrorisme » (mais relaxé pour « provocation à la haine raciale »). Jean-Paul Delescaut, qui a fait appel, était poursuivi pour un tract diffusé par le syndicat le 10 octobre 2023, trois jours après l’offensive de la résistance palestinienne contre Israël.


USA: 130 manifestants pro-palestiniens arrêtés à New York


Plus de 130 personnes ont été arrêtées dans la nuit à New York, devant des locaux de la prestigieuse université NYU, après des manifestations étudiantes pro-palestiniennes. Ces 133 personnes, qui depuis ont été relâchées, ont été arrêtée dans une intervention de la police de New-York (NYPD) à la demande de l’université. Plusieurs campus américains sont touchés  par le génocide à Gaza, des étudiants organisant des manifestations et des sit-in pour réclamer la fin de la guerre menée par Israël à Gaza. Une centaine d’étudiants pro-palestiniens avaient déjà été interpellés la semaine dernière à l’université Columbia, également à New York. Là encore, la présidente de l’établissement avait demandé à la police d’intervenir (notre article).


52th anniversary statement TKP/ML - for debate



Our party TKP/ML celebrates the 52nd anniversary of its foundation on April 24th. We greet the members, fighters, militants, supporters of our party with the enthusiasm of the year of its foundation. We declare that our party, which has the revolutionary program of the liberation struggle of our working people of Turkish, Kurdish and various nationalities, is more determined and determined to fulfill this task with 52 years of experience. Our party TKP/ML has been able to continue its struggle for revolution and communism continuously and uninterruptedly for 52 years by firmly clinging to its communist program, meticulously preserving its claim to revolution, following the footsteps of our founding leader Comrade İbrahim KAYPAKKAYA.

Parallel to its foundation, our Party has the audacity and move to launch the People’s War, the strategy of the country’s revolution. For 52 years, we ensured continuity with hundreds of immortal comrades who sealed the battlefields with communist audacity. By giving thousands of prisoners, we proved that we will never refrain from paying the price in the cause of revolution and communism and created a consciousness. Tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands of workers and laborers became conscious and shaped by the line of Ibrahim KAYPAKKAYA and continued the 52-year march by contributing to the progress of our party, giving it heart and support. Our party TKP/ML is the carrier communist subject of continuous struggle as a great accumulation, experience and the sum of this. Despite all recession, defeats and the weakness of the process we are going through, this basic feature has never darkened or erased. With this feature, our Party is in the battle to lead the class struggle with its independent program and action, which is the most fundamental need of the proletariat and the people.

Our party TKP/ML announced its establishment on April 24, 1972, in conditions when the fascist dictatorship suppressed all social sectors and revolutionary-progressive pioneers. Under the leadership of Comrade İbrahim KAYPAKKAYA, our party declared its foundation by drawing a clear line from the communist perspective against all pacifist, reformist wobbles and of course all adventurous currents. In his short revolutionary life, Comrade İbrahim KAYPAKKAYA laid the foundation of our party with a strong theoretical approach and a daring revolutionary move. Comrade Ibrahim, while establishing a line of struggle against revisionist currents, adopted an approach that concentrated on determining the social structure of the country, the political nature of the enemy, the program that would lead the people to liberation, and the general political line. What gives direction to this approach is that it is based on the science of history and society and its class approach to all problems. For this therefore , from the party’s nomenclature to its program, from the strategy of revolution to the mass line, from class alliances to the definition of enemy classes, from the analysis of the multinational structure to the nature of the political regime, it has managed to put forward the fundamental problems of the revolution with a strong theoretical struggle. Today still, the classism and clarity in its approach to Kemalism and the Kurdish National Question is an antidote to social-chauvinism and class collaborationist approaches. Again, in semi-feudal semi-colonial countries like ours, the position taken by the communist party that it can only preserve and strengthen its communist qualities through the People’s War strategy is an indestructible barricade against all kinds of liquidationism.

Our Party was built under the staff of Communist Leader İbrahim KAYPAKKAYA and has been trying to carry out its leadership role in the class struggle on these foundations for 52 years. The process we are going through is under the siege of liquidationist currents against the fundamental problems and principles of the revolution, against the armed struggle and the overthrow of the system, which involves the liberation of the people. In addition to this ideological attack, there is a large-scale and intense attack by imperialism and fascism to destroy and intimidate the revolutionary struggle. Our party is in a very difficult process socially and politically, just as it declared its establishment. It meets this process by persistently and decisively focusing on the problems and needs of the revolution, by clinging tightly to the main course of the people’s liberation struggle. While determining policy and forming tactics, it does not compromise on approaches that take into account the problems and main needs of the revolution and that will nourish and strengthen it. It takes an ideological and political position against all kinds of attitudes that allow the people to be backed up by fascist cliques and hinder their independent action. It does not refrain from drawing thick lines between itself and constitutionalist, systemic, election-indexed approaches and persistently and decisively seeking and turning towards a revolutionary orientation.

Undoubtedly, we have a very backward level in terms of turning the anger and reaction of the Turkish, Kurdish and people of various nationalities against fascism into an organized force and equipping them with the consciousness of revolution. This is a fact. A revolutionary process in accordance with the sharpness of social contradictions has not yet been organized and the masses have not been mobilized on this axis. Our Party is aware that this task is of vital importance and that this will only happen with a positioning and concentration according to the real needs of the revolution. In such periods, the main thing is not to break away from the interests and tendency of the masses. The following advice of Comrade Lenin is an approach that our party firmly embraces and dominates its line: “The idea of building communist society exclusively with the hands of the Communists is childish, absolutely childish. We communists are but a drop in the ocean, a drop in the ocean of the people. They will succeed in having the people follow their road only if they correctly define this road.” Our Party, with its cadres, members, militants and supporters, is aware that it is a drop in the sea of the people. The masses shape history and they are the real power. Our Party has never been content with determining the direction of history correctly. It has been in the struggle and determination to draw the masses towards the direction of history. Today, it sees fulfilling this task as its main and fundamental problem and is taking shape.

52th Anniversary - Statement of TKP-ML - for debate


With Persistence and Perseverance for a "Tighter, Stronger, More Determined War"!


Our Party TKP-ML, born as a result of the class struggle in our geography, within the world-shaking storms of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution led by Comrade Mao Zedong, is 52 years old!

The flag, which was opened on April 24, 1972, has been waving for 52 years under the leadership of Comrade Ibrahim Kaypakkaya, against all kinds of reformist and revisionist leadership: "We are the heirs of Comrade Mustafa Suphi and the TKP under his leadership", "Now we are raising a flag high in front of everyone's eyes".

While our Party has been waving the flag of communism for 52 years as the vanguard and leading force of the international proletariat in our geography, four general secretaries, tens of leading cadres, hundreds of fighters, militants and supporters, especially its founding leader, were immortalized. Thousands of our comrades were wounded. Thousands were imprisoned in the prisons of fascism. In its 52 years of struggle, our Party responded to all kinds of attacks by our class enemies with resistance. It won victories and took defeats against fascism. The Party paid the price and made them pay. It continued to wave the flag of communism opened under the leadership of Comrade Ibrahim Kaypakkaya. And as we enter our 52nd year of struggle, our Party especially our immortal comrades, injured, imprisoned and subjected to the torture of fascism, through our comrades' lives, blood, resistance and labor, has managed to create a tradition in the revolutionary and communist movement in Turkey.

For 52 years, the secret of the flag of communism that has been waved with perseverance is that our Party brings together Marxism-Leninism-Maoism with the aspirations and demands of our people of Turkish, Kurdish nations, various nationalities and beliefs, for liberation from exploitation, for freedom and independence. The foundation of our Party was laid in the most advanced actions of the working class and popular masses, by a limited number of cadres, especially our leading comrade Ibrahim Kaypakkaya, by equipping the class struggle in our geography with MLM science. The secret of our Party's 52nd year of struggle is the MLM science and the struggle of the masses. As long as our Party and the struggle of the working class and the masses of the people exist, the flag of communism will continue to fly high in these lands.

Our Party has gained positions and victories to the extent that it has been able to combine MLM science with the struggle of the masses. To the extent that it distanced itself from the struggle of the masses, it suffered defeats and lost positions. This is the concrete lesson that our 52-year history of struggle has taught us.

In the half-century since the founding of our Party, the struggle of the international proletariat and oppressed peoples has witnessed great upheavals. Most importantly, the working class and oppressed peoples lost the positions they gained through revolutions one by one. Our class enemies declared that "the class struggle is over" and "ideologies are dead". However, in a short time, the footsteps of the Imperialist Sharing War, which is inherent in imperialist capitalism, became more audible.

In the conditions where the 3rd Imperialist Sharing War is being discussed in the international arena and each camp of the imperialist bourgeoisie is making preparations accordingly, our geography comes to the fore as one of the centers of this war of sharing. After Iraq and Syria, the reactionary mullah regime of Iran is becoming more and more evident as the new target of the imperialists.

Zionist Israel, established as an outpost of imperialism in the Middle East, continues to be a threat to the peoples of the region, especially through genocidal attacks against the Palestinian nation.

The Turkish state, whose justification for existence is cooperation with imperialist capital and hostility to the people; It is preparing for new attacks against our people of Turkish, Kurdish nations, various nationalities and beliefs. As a useful member of NATO, the military organization of imperialism, it aims to increase the invasion and massacre attacks against the peoples of the region, especially the Kurdish nation, not only inside but also outside the borders. It is preparing for new massacres in order to use the increasing contradictions between imperialists for its own benefit.

At the current stage, Turkish fascism has condemned millions of workers and laborers to a wage below the hunger limit called minimum wage. The starvation wage has become the average wage. Millions of people are condemned to live at the limit of hunger and poverty and are worried about the future, while a handful of minorities who hold power live in luxury and splendor. The broad masses of the people are reacting to the situation they have been forced into. However, as can be seen in the last local elections, this reaction is wanted to be backed behind the opposition clique of the ruling classes. The aim is to keep the opposition of the masses within the order, to prevent new uprisings like Gezi and Kobane, and more importantly to prevent the armed struggle from reaching the masses.

In its 52nd year of struggle, our Party calls on workers, peasants and intellectuals, youth and women who are devoted to the cause of communism but whose beliefs and energies have been channeled in the wrong way due to revisionist and reformist leaderships, to organize, to grow the unshakable belief in the fire of "revolution" and "communism" that they carry subjectively in their heads and hearts through organized revolutionary struggle.

Long Live the 52nd Anniversary of the Founding of our Party!

Long live Marxism Leninism Maoism!

Long live TKP-ML, TIKKO, TMLGB and KKB!

TKP-ML Central Committee

April 2024

Monday, April 22, 2024

May Day 2024 - in the next days - Joint Declaration 2024 and all national and international statements that we support

Palestine: Combats à Gaza et en Cisjordanie - info

Les soldats des forces d’occupation israéliennes des ont échangé des coups de feu avec des combattants palestiniens en Cisjordanie occupée samedi, , tandis qu’à Gaza, les combats se poursuivaient. Les forces israéliennes ont lancé vendredi un raid sur la camp de Nour Shams, près de la ville palestinienne de Tulkarm, mais ils ont été confronté à la résistance armée de combattants des Brigades Tulkarm. Dix Palestiniens ont été tués et huit autres arrêtés, et quatre soldats israéliens ont blessés dans les affrontements. Les Brigades Tulkarm, composées de combattants de plusieurs factions palestiniennes, ont déclaré que leurs hommes étaient toujours aux prises avec l’armée israélienne samedi. Le ministère palestinien de la Santé a confirmé la mort de deux personnes depuis vendredi à Nours Shams, région qui abrite des réfugiés de la guerre de 1948 et leurs descendants. Les deux victimes sont un combattant et un adolescent de 16 ans, selon les responsables palestiniens. À Gaza, les autorités locales ont fait état de frappes contre la ville de Rafah, dans le sud de l’enclave, où plus d’un million de Palestiniens ont trouvé refuge et à Jabalia (nord). L’armée israélienne mène également des raids dans le centre de la bande de Gaza. Rafah est la dernière zone de Gaza où les forces terrestres israéliennes ne sont pas encore entrées depuis le début du conflit.

Dossier(s): Monde arabe et Iran Tags:

italian classist trade union Slai Cobas - guided from PCm Italy - supports call of PGFTU

E’ un vizio consolidato dare un giudizio sulle forze in campo come gruppi nazionali omogenei: così ci sono gli israeliani, gli uomini di Hamas, gli arabi sunniti e sciiti ma pochi o nessuno indaga sulle condizioni degli operai di queste terre eppure la loro sollevazione collettiva contro il governo israeliano sarebbe l’unica possibilità reale di fermare il genocidio di Gaza.

We are writing to alert you to a call from the Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions (PGFTU) - Gaza for global days of action on May Day (1/5) and Nakba Day (15/5) 2024.

You can read the full call in English, Arabic, Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Greek and German here: Other languages will be made available soon.